Letter to Self

--- May 2018 ---

Here's the thing... Many 18 year olds (myself included) are/were much too hard on themselves. The truth is, we're not that bad (yes YOU!). Sometimes it's tough to focus on the positives in ourselves. It's so easy to pick out our flaws. If you're struggling with something, or even if you're not, write yourself a letter. Something about it is so therapeutic. Think about it...If you could go back and tell yourself something, what would you say? Would you change anything?

Dear 18 year old self,

Before reading this, take a deep breath. I know you get overwhelmed and over think everything so let's start this letter out on a positive note. You may not think so, but you are much stronger than you think. Let me repeat that loud and clear. YOU ARE STRONG. You've had to handle things that many people shouldn't have to and/or don't go through, but you CAN do it. In the end, it's going to make you an even stronger, more resilient person. As life goes on, you'll have the power to help others who are going through tough times and there's nothing better than that feeling. The 'bad news' here is that life isn't done throwing you curve balls. Even in college, you'll be pushed to your limits and even further. Keep your head up and push through. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Right now, friends are the center of your attention. I'm here to tell you that family is more important, they'll always be there for you through thick and thin. Rely on your parents, your siblings, your cousins. Most of the friends you make in Jr High and High School are temporary. Yeah, you'll make fun memories with some and maybe keep in touch with a few, but a lot of them will screw you over or try to tear you down, not build you up. When you get to college, you'll have the time of your life and meet the best people and friends. (I know you're scared of the future and the thought of going away to college, but know that this is the best decision you have ever made!) Yes, friends are important throughout school too, but don't let them get you down when they try. A few old friends will turn and start spreading rumors about you or sending you awful texts that NO ONE should have to read. (They also never apologize, so don't give them the benefit of the doubt). Also, learn to love yourself and be comfortable being alone. There's nothing wrong with that! No matter what, you have yourself, so why not practice #selflove ?!

Don't take your education for granted. A lot of people in the world aren't fortunate, as you are. In the moment, math formula's and history don't seem like a good use of time, but take it all in, try to learn something new everyday. You never know when that knowledge will come to good use. (Trivia nights are the best nights!!) Don't blow your teachers off, pay attention to them. Listen to what they're saying and what's behind what they're saying. Yes, they're teaching you educational material, but a lot of your teachers are invested in YOU as a person and want to teach you life lessons. Soak that in. Keep in touch with high school teachers and college professors, they'll be great resources and references in the future. Don't forget to send thank you cards at the end of the year/semester to let them know you appreciate what they've taught you. All in all, push yourself. Education is so important.

Money, money, money. You've heard it before, but hear it again from me... Save your money when possible! I am totally on board for the occasional #TreatYoSelf , but you'll thank yourself later if you save. Some of your friends have parents that will pay for everything for them, but that's life. Truth be told, you'll be in debt after college (student loans...) and every little bit of savings will help. Plus saving up to go on a Spring Break trip with your college friends is SO much more worth it than buying things in high school. 

In the end, follow your heart. Just because the 'cool kids' are doing something, doesn't mean that you have to follow suit. Be who YOU want to be, not who society wants you to be. You'll be thankful for this in the end. Growing up isn't easy, so don't be too hard on yourself. Like I said, you are strong! Think about the future and how each choice you make will impact your next few years. Reach for your goals, be passionate, believe in yourself, and try to find the beauty in everyday (even when you have a crappy day).  


Future self☆

P.S. Shout out to my sisters students in Florida who are my biggest fans! I hope that I can inspire you to become the best version of you, you can be. If anything, know that I believe in you.
Want to read more about positivity?! Check out my blog on gratitude. 
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  1. Beautiful letter. Very heartfelt!

    1. Thanks so much :) If only I knew then what I know now!


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